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Configuring Adobe PDF iFilter 9 for 64-bit platforms for MS SharePoint 2010

1. Install Adobe PDF iFilter 9 for 64-bit platforms on the INDEXING server(s) in your farm. You can get the binaries here: 2. Verify that PDF has been added to the registry. a. Run Regedit by browsing to c:\Windows\system32\regedt32.exe and double-clicking it. b. Within left-side tree, browse to: \\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office Server\14.0\Search\Applications\{site GUID}\Gather\Portal_Content\Extensions\ExtensionList c. If PDF …

SharePoint Site Backup and Restore using STSADM


Scenario: Backup a site collection and restore it on a different server or on the same server. Preface: Let’s build some a simple batch file here. First declare the constants. Notice the BACKUPFILENAME variable. This lets you build the file name as YYYY_MM_DD_BACKUP.BAK Code: @SET STSADM=”c:\program files\common files\microsoft shared\web server extensions\12\bin\stsadm” @SET MAINSITEURL=”http://servername” @SET BACKUPFILENAME=”C:\SiteBackUp\%date:~10,4%_%date:~4,2%_%date:~7,2%_backup.bak” …